FK-5-1-12 Novec 1230 suppression systems; designed, sold, assembled and maintained; are imported from USA as FM approved and UL Listed Ex15398. They are under pressures of 25 bars. Welded cylinders have capacities of 20, 40, 60, 190, 276, 412 and 453 liters.
Advantage of Novec system, such as HFC-125, is that replacement of Halon 1301 systems requires no change of pipes, but only cylinder and nozzle.
Pressure losses of nitrogen pressurized system are being monitored via low pressure switches and manometer. The system is triggered (electrically-mechanically) automatically or manually.
Maintenances are done according to NFPA 25 and “NFPA Test and Maintenance, Inspection” document. Tests are done according to NFPA 2001, ISO 15004 (14520).
FM, UL Listed (Ex15398), LPCB, GL, VdS, TPED/EN, CE